
Guest Column: Some Thoughts On Making The Most Of This School Year

As the Utah State University Student Association (USUSA) Executive Vice President, I and the other USUSA officers are doing our best to represent and effectively serve every student. Returning students have noticed differences from past years and incoming transfer/freshmen students have begun their journey uniquely as our campus has repopulated over the last two weeks. One of the main reasons I came to USU was for the “college experience.” I’ve loved making new friends by volunteering with various committees, dancing at the Howl, and singing “The Scotsman” at basketball games.

Now beginning my junior year, I’m hoping, as is the rest of the student body, to continue to make these kinds of memories. It’s unrealistic to expect certain experiences while in the midst of a world-wide pandemic, but with so much out of our control, I still believe it’s within our power to have an amazing year full of growth and fun. 

Viktor Frankl wrote, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” I’m writing this guest column to encourage everyone to make the most of this school year despite COVID-related changes and challenges. I think this can best be accomplished by taking advantage of available opportunities, utilizing resources, and following university prevention principles.

Like many of you, my summer internship was canceled and a lot of my other plans have changed due to the Coronavirus, but some things have stayed the same. For example, I’m still participating in lectures led by incredible professors, and there are so many exciting opportunities in and out of the classroom! I want to plug one of these. Applications are open and can be found at involvement.usu.edu to become a student-at-large on the student fee board and discuss/vote on proposed changes to how our fees are spent. 

Another unchanging opportunity is that of meeting new people and making friends. Just as we all share responsibility in keeping our fellow students safe from the Coronavirus, we also share responsibility in making our campus an inclusive community. Please make a special effort to be kind and accepting of others with different appearances, backgrounds, and opinions.

During the meetings/discussions I’ve been a part of involving university administrators, I’ve been amazed with how much they truly care about students’ safety and overall success. They make educated, thoughtful, and considerate decisions with our well-being as their first priority. Helpful resources have been created specifically for our current situation like the Student Well-being Resources and Guidlines website and the technology and academic support resources banner displayed at the top of Canvas. I encourage everyone to utilize these as well as other resources. 

I think everyone should make an effort to take care of their mental health. Take time to responsibly participate in activities you love, and remember it’s okay to not be okay. If needed, the University has provided The ACT Guide, an online self-help program, and counselors are available through Counseling Services (CAPS).

University administrators believe that students following the four simple prevention principles can keep the Coronavirus at bay. Wearing a face covering, practicing social distancing, practicing prevention hygiene, and staying home if sick will only increase the odds of campus staying open. Please follow these principles! I’m optimistic about students taking personal responsibility to follow them and overcoming FOMO. I really believe that our Aggie family will err on the side of caution and take care of each other. Everyone’s in this together.

Even though this school year will inevitably be different, we can be better because of it. Let’s engage in our classes, take advantage of existing opportunities, utilize resources, and behave responsibly. Whatever comes our way, I encourage each of us to stand as Hemingway and say, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” Let’s make the most of this year and be Aggie Strong!

Portrait photo of Lucas Stevens, USUSA Executive Vice President



Lucas is the USUSA Executive Vice President and a junior studying Economics and Political Science.

Instagram: @lucasjstevens

Email: executivevp.ususa@usu.edu

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  1. Sophie Wise

    Well said! There is so much fun to be had at Utah State while still being safe during these unique circumstances! Great job Lucas.

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