Guymon dominated the hurdles Saturday

Katrina Cartwright

Utah Statesman: When did you start running?

Brett Guymon: I started running in junior high. I pretty much did all of the sports when I was younger, and track was just one of them.

US: What is your favorite track event?

BG: The 400-meter hurdles by far. They are tiring but fun.

US: How do you feel about the track program at USU?

BG: It’s great. I got a new coach this year; coach Murdock. He used to run here, and he’s really good. If I could choose over again which school to go to, I would choose this one again.

US: What were you thinking when you learned you broke the record at Weber State University?

BG: I didn’t even know what the record was; I just wanted to get a good time. Weber has one guy who is really good, so I knew I would have to run pretty fast to beat him. I didn’t even know I had broken the record until the following day.

US: How many times have you qualified for nationals?

BG: I qualified last year and went. This year, I qualified at Weber and again this past weekend.

US: How many brothers and sisters do you have?

BG: I have four brothers and three sisters.

US: What is your shoe size?

BG: 11 and a half.

US: Where did you grow up?

BG: Huntington. It’s about 20 minutes south of Price in south-central Utah.

US: What’s your favorite hobby?

BG: I love to be up in the mountains either hunting or fly-fishing.

US: If you could be any animal, what would you be?

BG: I would be a bald eagle. They can see the world from above and get so may different views. Plus, I love to fly.