Harris earns athletic honor

Utah Statesman: Do you have any pre-game rituals?

Nate Harris: Not really. I eat two pieces of pink gum – Extra pink gum – before every game. That’s always good.

US: What kind of music do you like?

NH: Mostly country.

US: What’s your favorite part of basketball?

NH: Probably the competiveness.

US: How did you meet your wife?

NH: She plays softball up here. So, through athletics. She’s been at school here for four years.

US: What do you want to do when you grow up?

NH: Eventually coach somewhere. Probably men’s basketball at the high school level.

US: Do you want to go play in the NBA?

NH: Yeah, obviously. Everybody kind of does. If not there, I’m going to try to go play overseas or something like that if I can.

US: What team would you want to play for?

NH: It wouldn’t even matter. I wouldn’t even care as long as I got there.

US: Who is your favorite?

NH: Tim Duncan is probably my favorite to watch.

US: When did you decide you wanted to play basketball in college?

NH: Early in high school I kind of knew I had a chance to come in and play college.

US: Why did you choose Utah State?

NH: It was close to home. That was kind of a big part. The coaching staff that has been here. The program was just going at a higher level at the time I was deciding, so that kind of made an easier decision for me.

US: What’s your favorite memory?

NH: Both the times we’ve been to the NCAA tournament. Both of those times and just recently getting married. That was kind of nice.

US: What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

NH: I guess it would be staying focused in school and being on track to graduate. School wasn’t the easiest thing for me, let’s be honest.
