Homosexual Behavior needs to be seen differently


Dear Editor,

I do not want it to be said that I am “anti-gay”, because I am not. I believe that nobody is truly “gay” or “lesbian” because time has proved that it is unnatural. Rather, these behaviors are false stereotypes nurtured by outside influences or lack of self-control. But this doesn’t mean that all should not be treated as children of God.

For those who do not like to bring religion into things, we must consider how the human race survives: reproduction. The entire point of evolution is to pass on genes to the next generation. If homosexual behavior were innately practiced, it would cease to exist by virtue of the inability to procreate. Therefore, homosexuality cannot be inborn because these genes cannot be passed on from one generation to the next.

From the religious aspect, like it or not, God’s first commandment to Adam and Eve was to multiply and replenish the earth. This view also supports procreation as a reason for living. The scriptures affirm that Sodom and Gomorrah were set as examples to us and that homosexual behavior is an abomination. It is a destructive behavior, whether physically or nationally, and that cannot be denied.

I have one friend who was sexually abused by a member of the same sex for many years. This friend now practices homosexuality. I have another friend who I considered very normal but others labeled him as “gay”. Eventually, he believed that about himself as well. These are just two instances of nurtured homosexual behavior.

Everyone has their challenges. We are here on this earth to master our natural tendencies, especially if they defy God’s plan for us. Everyone has some degree of sexual urges, and it is very important that we learn to control these or they will result in our physical and/or spiritual destruction.

By my condemning homosexual behavior I am not condemning the people. We are all God’s children and should be treated as such.


Jeri Lynn Fisher529-87-4254713-4495jelyfish@cc.usu.edu