
Hoops Fest kicks off 2002-03 men’s basketball season

Landon Olson

The 2002-03 men’s basketball season was ushered in at Utah State University with the annual Hoops Fest, held Friday night in the Spectrum.

The Aggies played two 10-minute halves in a closed scrimmage, and then opened the Spectrum to the public for two more 10-minute halves, a 3-point contest and a dunk contest.

Head Coach Stew Morrill also addressed the fans in attendance. Morril thanked fans for attending, but wants one change made in the Spectrum in the future.

Morrill said he wants fans to dress in Aggie apparel so he can see a “sea of blue” at the home games, promising it would help the Aggies.

“We’re going to do everything we can to make this another good year,” Morrill said.

During the scrimmage, the blue team won both halves, the first 19-8 and the second in a comeback, 20-17.

Junior college transfer Cardell Butler said the game was exciting, but playing in front of a crowd made him a bit nervous.

“I’m going to be nervous for sure,” he said. “I had jitters today. After I get bumped around a couple of times, after I get a couple of defensive stops, I’ll be cool.”

A new dunk champion

The crowd gave him its applause and Butler came away as the dunk contest champion.

Four Aggies – Butler, Mike Ahmad, Ian McVey and Greg Patton -competed in the contest. Each player had 60 seconds to show how well he could dunk and then was judged by the crowd.

Butler finished his series of dunks by throwing the ball off the glass and dunking the rebound, generating a roar from the crowd.

During his chance, Ahmad pulled a fan out of the stands and jumped over the fan to dunk it.

“I told them not to do anything stupid, obviously [Ahmad] wasn’t listening,” Morrill said. “You always worry a little bit about those contests.”

McVey got off to a slow start, missing his first dunks, but was encouraged by Spencer Nelson, who ran off the bench to help McVey.

“I was just being a team player and showing some love, because he definitely needed some love,” Nelson said.

Butler said he won’t brag about winning the contest because it was all in fun, and also because he was happier to make a 3-pointer during the scrimmage.

“I think the 3-pointer was more important,” he said. “One of my weaknesses is shooting. I need to work on my shooting a little bit more.”

He’s back

Four-year Aggie guard Tony Brown is back on the bench, but as a part of the coaching staff.

Brown is working with the Aggies this season as a student assistant, but said it is different to not be out on the court playing.

“Being out there for four years and doing all the things they’ve done, you know what they’re going through,” Brown said. “It’s difficult to go out there and play hard for four straight periods, but it’s a different experience to be on the sidelines.”

Morrill said although Brown has a great knowledge of basketball, he’ll be most helpful to the team on the scout squad.

“He’s really contributing on scout squad,” Morrill said. “We can’t guard him.”

Nelson agreed that having Brown on the scout squad helps the team’s defense.

“Tony is still Tony Brown,” Nelson said. “If you’re not right up on him, he’s going to make you pay and Coach Morrill hates it when he makes us pay. We’re learning how to guard Tony Brown, and a lot of times, the whole team is out to get Tony Brown.”


“Mostly where he’ll help them out is kicking their butts when he’s on the scout squad.” – Utah State Head Coach Stew Morrill on how Tony Brown will help the team out as a student assistant.

“It was a good night. I don’t think I bit anybody, but it’s a garbage man mentality. That’s what I do, so it was a good night.” – Utah State forward Spencer Nelson on his style of play.

By the numbers

2,400 – Approximate number of fans in attendance for Hoops Fest.

100 – Free-throw shooting percentage for guard Ronnie Ross who went 4-4.

51.7 – Shooting percentage for the blue team in the game.

16 – Players who saw action in the scrimmage.

11 – Margin of victory by the blue team in the first half.

8 – Returning players who have seen action with the Aggies.

5 – Seasons Head Coach Stew Morrill has been at Utah State.

4 – Total 3-point baskets by the blue and white teams combined.

3 – Margin of victory by the blue team in the second half.

1 – Freshmen on the team.
