Howl overpriced

To the Editor:

I attended the Howl on Halloween with my husband and my sister-in-law and her boyfriend from Las Vegas. We had a good time. We enjoyed the hypnotist, the bands, the karaoke and making fun of all the girls who somehow forgot to put clothes on before they came. I love the Howl. It is a USU staple. Something every student must attend at least once, and something college students from across the state know us for. My question is this: Where did my $10 go? I got home and with the help of my engineering husband, did a little math. According to our calculations, there must have been somewhere around 5,000 people who graced the premises at some point during the festivities, and each of those paid at least $10 (the partiers from other schools paid $15). We’ll give STAB a little help and pretend like everyone paid $10. So 5,000 times 10 equals 50,000. That’s $50,000. Now let’s attempt to see what that paid for. Bands play for pretty cheap, I know, I was in one for a while. We’ll say $1,000 tops for the SLC bands who think they’re hot stuff. I’m not sure how many there were, I’ll guess about eight, and I’m certain that not all of them received $1,000, but we’ll pretend they did. That’s $8,000. Hypnotist, I’ll say $5,000. Karaoke, man, that had to be free or close to it. Deejays for the two dances, $500 each. Venue, free as air. Time for math. $8,000 for bands plus $1,000 for deejays plus $5,000 for the hypnotist comes to $14,000. Just for the heck of it let’s see what’s left over. $50,000 from Howl attendees minus $14,000 that it actually cost, that comes to $36,000 extra. And remember, I was generous. If they plan on charging me $10 again, there had better be decorations and food and a palm reader and someone handing me a towel in the bathroom. If not, I’ll be taking my business elsewhere next Halloween.

Jasmine Michaelson(435)