
Humans of USU: Freshman ate goat stomach in Brazil

The Utah Statesman interviewed Randon Banham, a freshman majoring in mechanical engineering from Providence, Utah.

Utah Statesman: What are your summer plans for after this semester?

Randon Banham: I am co-managing a summer sales team for Direct TV. I’ll be in Oklahoma. It’ll be a lot of fun.

US: How did you get that position?

RB: My best friend’s brother works for the company, and so I just got talking to him and things got going.

US: If you suddenly found out that finals week was actually next week, what would be your first reaction?

RB: I would definitely be surprised. I would definitely have to do a lot more studying though, and really quickly.

US: What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

RB: It would be goat stomach. That would definitely be the weirdest thing I have ever eaten.

US: Where did you try goat stomach?

RB: In Brazil. I served a mission there in Salvador, Bahia, and so it’s just the northeastern corner of it.

US: If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would your plan be?

RB: I guess I would turn into a mountain man, Bear Grylls-style.

US: If your life were a movie, which movie would it be?

RB: If I could choose a movie for my life to be similar to, it would be “The Blindside,” just because I really, really have a lot of respect for the Tuohys. I have a lot of respect for what they did and I think it would be really cool to do something like that, to contribute.

US: If you could be any Avenger, which one would you be and why?

RB: I think I would go with Iron Man. Just because he’s a bad-A.

US: And the engineering helps too. You guys have so much in common already.

RB: Oh yeah, that’s true. I didn’t even think about that. Totally, sign me up.

US: If Utah State had to change their colors, what colors would you choose?

RB: I would go orange and white. I’m thinking like the Texas Longhorns.

US: If you could describe Logan weather in one word, what would it be?

RB: Differing. I would definitely go with that. Just because you never know — whether it be the middle of summer or the middle of winter — what you’re going to get. A good example, last month when it was 75 degrees. Yesterday it was 30s, snowing, and now it’s nice. I’m definitely not complaining. That’s for sure.