
Humans of USU: Senior took billiards four years in a row

The Utah Statesman interviewed Connor George, a senior majoring in computer science and computer engineering from Smithfield, Utah.

US: Do you have any siblings?

CG: I have one younger sister. She’s going to the University of Utah right now.

US: Apple or Windows?

CG: I prefer Windows next to Apple. I don’t like Apple as much because they don’t give you as much control. I know they make it easier, but they do it at the cost of—they remove features.

US: What are you passionate about?

CG: I guess my majors, but I also like billiards. My second semester here I was in a billiards class then I took it again four years in a row. I’m not taking it now just because I’ve gotten so busy, but I still try to play as much as I can.

US: Do you have any hobbies?

CG: I like playing video games. I like skiing.

US: What’s your favorite video game?

CG: That’s tough. I like StarCraft II a lot. I’ll say StarCraft II just because if I tried to come up with a real answer we’d be here all day.

US: How do you feel about holiday music before Halloween?

CG: Has it really started already? That’s way too early. I think Dec. 1 is when you can start playing holiday music.

US: What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

CG: I’m probably just going to spend it with my family. Normally we go out of town, but this year we don’t really have any plans. I’m just going to stay at home, visit my parents in Smithfield.

US: Do you have any embarrassing skiing moments?

CG: The first time I ever went skiing, very very very first time, in sixth grade I think, my dad was with me, and he’s a good skier. He was trying to teach me how to ski. So I’d been going down the bunny hill a few times, and I was ready to go to the bigger hill. I was taught that the way you stop is to put your feet together. Well, that doesn’t work if you’re going too fast. I didn’t know this. I’m just blasting down this hill, and I put my tips together and I’m not slowing down. I’m still going really fast. I’m headed straight towards the lodge. Then I just kind of panicked, and I didn’t know what to do so I fell over on purpose. That’s probably the worst fall I’ve ever had.

US: Do you have any bad habits?

CG: I always get my notebook out to take notes, and then at the end of the class there are no notes on the notebook because I just get paying attention and I forget to write stuff down.