Humans of USU: Senior wants equal rights for all
The Utah Statesman interviewed Monica Alexander, a senior in technical writing from Price, Utah.
Utah Statesman: Why do you study technical writing?
Monica Alexander: I took a career test over in the career center because I have been in many different majors before and they didn’t suit me. I saw travel writing, and who wants to travel and write? I do. That’s what I’ve kind of based my major path on.
US: What is your greatest accomplishment?
MA: Making it this far; being able to work my way up to a college education. Not a lot of my family has actually graduated from high school and college so having that is really important in my life and their life.
US: What is your greatest fear?
MA: Not being able to use my degree at all because there’s a lack of jobs, lack of ability to find them. It just worries me.
US: What is your spirit animal and why?
MA: A unicorn because it’s bright and brilliant, and I like to be out there.
US: What is unique about you?
MA: My love of running and breaking myself, I guess. I just recently broke my foot. It’s actually probably still broken. It’s a stress fracture. I’m supposed to be wearing a boot, but it’s so annoying.
US: Favorite Halloween candy?
MA: Dove or Hershey’s. You just stick them in your pocket, and they don’t melt. They last for years.
US: What are your plans for Halloween?
MA: Watch scary movies, Supernatural. Oh, Dean!
US: What’s your favorite Halloween movie?
MA: My favorite Halloween movie would have to be “Waxwork.” I don’t know if anyone knows what that is. It’s an older movie, it’s really cool. It’s kind of weird, but they’re able to travel through time through these different wax features. It’s really bad graphics because it’s in the ’80s, but it’s really good. I hate “Chucky,” but I like to watch it because it scares me. A really good one that just came out is “The Possession of Michael King.” It’s horrifying. I don’t get scared easily, but it’s terrifying.
US: What is your favorite part about the Howl?
MA: I like the palm readers and the tarot card readers. They’re really interesting. There was one year I went and they gave me my past life. They said that I hated my mother, which is not true, and that I was a runaway slave and I want to get away from my family which is completely untrue. So I don’t know where they got that. They also told my friend that he was a Nazi German scientist, so we don’t know. It’s interesting. I also really like the music. Last year’s performance was spectacular.
US: What is one change you want to see in the world?
MA: Acceptance of everybody. Everybody’s different, so why should we judge someone based on the choices that they make? I keep seeing people posting on my Facebook, “oh, they chose it” and “it’s wrong” and “God is going to judge them, it’s all their fault,” and no, it’s not their fault. It’s just life, and that’s just how we should be. People are people. Especially with gay rights. I keep having people telling me they can’t get married, and it’s like, why? My view on marriage is I don’t believe in it, but if they want to do that, fine. That’s their choice. It makes me angry that we can’t accept people for who they are.
US: Favorite Netflix series?
MA: Supernatural. I’ve watched from season six to season nine since the beginning of summer. I’m trying to catch up. They just released season 10 and it’s been a pain.