
Humans of USU: Zackary Gregory and Tyler Bingham

The Utah Statesman interviewed Zackary Gregory, a sophomore majoring in philosophy, and Tyler “The Birthday Boy” Bingham, a freshman majoring in art. Bingham turned 22 yesterday.

Utah Statesman: Are you riding this bike to celebrate your birthday?
Tyler Bingham: Yes and no. We actually became tight friends on this bike, so we’re just reincarnating this. We didn’t really know each other but we were like, “Hey, let’s go get a tandem for free,” so we did.

US: If you had to eat just one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat and why?
Zackary Gregory: Generally sandwiches, and then I can make whatever I want. Would that work? Like, versatile. You could have a reuben on one day, turkey on another day.
TB: Can I just say Asian food as a whole?

US: Do you have any hidden talents?
ZG: We’re pretty good dancers.
TB: Yeah, way good dancers. We can do a move right now if you want. We can do a “human necklace” right now. We have combo moves.

US: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be?
ZG: “Cha-plow.”
TB: Mine’s “bitchin’.”

US: What is your guilty pleasure?
TB: Dancing for sure. It’s like, intoxicating.
ZG: Let’s go with that. I also like soda pop. I like orange soda. It’s kind of childish.

US: What gives you hope?
ZG: People.
TB: I also find a lot of fortunes on the ground and I count them as my real fortunes, so I keep them all. So that gives me hope.
ZG: And bikes.

US: How do you avoid procrastination?
TB: I don’t. Last minute. I was up until 1:30 a.m. last night, probably, working on my art assignment that was due today at 8 a.m.
ZG: I don’t know, I just do it. I guess I’m motivated to get my work done so I can play.
TB: I just play.

US: What is the best remedy for spring fever?
TB: Ride a bike. Just ride a bike.
ZG: If you spend all the time you can outdoors when you’re not class, it makes it a lot easier to stay in class. Just abandon your house and just live on the Quad.

US: What has been your biggest personal achievement?
ZG: I’ve been running little underground bike races in Logan this year, and I think it’s been really, really great to promote cycling. It’s been really fun. The bike shops give us prizes and stuff … A lot of work goes into them and people enjoy them, so it’s something that I really like.
TB: I’m trying to focus now more on, instead of saying I’m going to do stuff and never doing it, into I’m actually going to do it now. That’s going to be my biggest accomplishment. It’s not yet, but it’s happening.

US: Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years?
TB: At USU. Just kidding. I want to have a career doing something that doesn’t feel like work. That’s kind of everybody’s hope.
ZG: I want to teach. That’s it. Living in a tiny house or something.