I Went On a Date and I Did Know It


Megan Hanks (wife of student Erick Hanks)Student # 460951725Phone # 755-5974

I would like to respond to a recent artical written by Casey Hobson about dating. I had an experience once where the guy was too chicken to actually ask me out on an offical date. The first couple of times I just assumed we were on a date and that was great but as time went on and we were going out at least once a week I began to wonder if these really were dates. After two months of what I thought was going out he still had not made any attept to hold my hand or anything else. This made me rethink what was really going on. Was he just asking me out as a friend and all this time I was thinking it was something more? So I began to think of him just as a friend and began only having feelings towards him this way. Then, out of nowhere he held my hand a kissed me. The only problem was that I no longer had feelings for him this way. So maybe this should be looked at from a different view. Maybe its not the girls who isn’t picking up on the guy’s “I’m taking you on a date” thing. Maybe some guys are a little to dense to realize that they need to keep things moving so as not to confuse or lose the interest of the girl.