IHC Does much Good


Dear Editor,

It was with great amusement that I read Marnie Andrews’letter in which she claims that IHC should pay property taxes. She obviously has a personal beef with IHC and thinks that this issue is one with which to get even with the organization. What she apparently doesn’t understand is that IHC is a not-for-profit corporation that does a lot of good in this and other communities in this state. I know of the good that IHC does from personal experience. I have cancer and it is only because of IHC that I have been able to recieve the first-rate care that has saved my life. As a college student I had only student health insurance from another university, which paid some of my bills but left tens of thousands of dollars unpaid. Thanks to IHC I am nearing the end of my battle with this disease and I will not be crippled with debt as would have happened without this company. They have written off several thousand dollars for expensive chemotherapy, cat scans and surgeries. They have also provided my wife and I with a payment plan to pay the small remaining balance without undue financial burden. While I must agree with Marnie Andrews that education is a very important priority for governement, forcing IHC to pay property taxes will not solve educational budget proplems. It will, however, mean that IHC will be less able to help individuals who find themselves in need of expensive healthcare. Who knows, maybe you will find yourself in a situation like mine and you will be glad that IHC is there.Ken Izatt