Indoor track starts season in Pocatello

Katrina Cartwright

Katrina Cartwright

The USU indoor track team will compete in its first meet this Saturday in Pocatello.

The team consists of about 25 men and 25 women and will compete against partial teams from most of the universities in Utah and Southern Idaho as well as from many junior colleges.

This meet is an all-comers meet; its purpose is to see where the individual athletes are at in their training and to give them a chance to compete.

“There are a lot of people that we want to see where they are at,” said USU head coach Gregg Gensel. “I’m looking forward to watching everyone compete, especially since I haven’t seen what they can do yet.”

The team members practiced on their own over Christmas Break, so Gensel that he isn’t making any predictions about individual results, but is waiting to see who did the assigned workouts.

They will compete in most of the same events as outdoor track in Saturday’s meet. The team is in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation, which is comprised mostly of PAC-10 and Big West schools.