Injustice at USU


I’m not sure how many of my fellow students are aware of the injustice being done at USU. We, as students, are being treated like elementary, or at best, junior-high students every Wednesday. As a preface; the Utah Statesman, much to the chagrin of all USU students, has chosen to publish a crossword puzzle only once a week in its pages. I can live with that, if I have to. Now onto the unsupportable kick while I’m down. THE ANSWERS TO THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE ARE PRINTED DIRECTLY UNDER IT!! I can only imagine the editorial meeting where the editor-in-cheif was inspired with the idea of turning the answers UPSIDE-DOWN in hopes that the gullible studentbody wouldn’t feel quite as degraded. Is there not some lonely corner of page 4 where you could hide the answers so that those of us who like to stretch our minds in ways other then “What other stupid political signs can we post on campus” will be able to do so. In fact I’m quite sure that, if researched, the uproar caused by the proposed tuition increase can be linked directly to anger caused by the printing of the answers to the crossword puzzle directly under it. I might have even found the answer to world peace. Please, hold your applause.

Steven Oyler528415054770-0962