

Kenneth and Maisie Jensen of Providence announce the marriage of their daughter Tawni Jensen to Micah David Richard Platt, son of David and Gaye Platt of Salt Lake City.

The couple will be married Sept. 21, 2007, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. A reception will be that evening from 7 to 9 in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Friends and relatives are invited.

Tawni graduated from Mountain Crest High School in 2005. She studied abroad in France during her junior year. She’s currently attending Utah State University, studying business finance.

Micah graduated from Cottonwood High School in 2002 where he was active in football, lacrosse and swimming. He served a LDS mission to Chihuahua, Mexico. He is also attending Utah State University, studying business management.

The couple met when Micah got off his mission and a year later they started dating. They both enjoy golfing, snowboarding, camping, boating and spending time together.

Showers were given by Laurie and Summer Johnson, Maisie Jensen, Shaughnessy Ryan, Whitney Johnson, Afton and Karla Jensen.

They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target.

Following their honeymoon to Mexico, they will reside in North Logan and attend USU.

The couple would like to thank friends and families for all of their love and support. If we have missed anyone in the excitement please come to the reception.