Jesus May Have Been a Communist

I recently read a column proclaiming that John Kerry’s policies were similar to those endorsed by the Communist Party. According to the author of the column, John Kerry’s belief that all Americans should have the opportunity to aquire adequate healthcare, as well as his support for organizations that fight for the common worker, and belief that we should help those less fortunate are reminiscent of those held by the Communist Party.

However, I think that these beliefs are more reminiscent of a man that lived 2,004 years ago. Yes, you have guessed it, I am talking about Jesus Christ. Now, usually, I try not to bring religion into politics, however it seems to be what many Republicans are talking about these days.

Jesus was a man that was determined to speak up for those that could no longer be heard. He healed the blind, cured the sick, and even raised the dead without ever charging for his services. He fed the hungry, and asked all to give what they did not need to those that were in need. In fact, this man believed that personal responsibilty alone was not enough for men and women to be successful, so he gave his life so that all men and women had a chance to live happily forever.

Now, I realize that this letter may seem a little extreme, but I am trying to prove a point. It is ludicrous to assume that those that are less fortunate can ascertain the same success as those that are priviledged simply based upon personal responisbility. John Kerry, John Edwards, and even the Son of God understood this statement, why can’t you?

Everyone at some point in their life needs some sort of help, it is not a negative thing that we reach out and help them. After all, it seems to be the rich Republicans that need the most handouts, especially when tax money is concerned. I believe it was Jesus that said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter Heaven”. Apparantly, by your standard, Jesus sounded like a Communist.

Doug Beazer528-35-6608 435-760-5390

*(ATTN Editor, I realize this letter is a bit risque, but I believe it is important that we engage in dialouge about this issue. I think it is important for those that vote simply for religious or moral reasons to be reminded of some of the other issues religion has emphasized other than abortion. So please consider printing this article even though I am sure it will get a great reaction).