Jon M Huntsman Jr.jpg

Jon M. Huntsman Jr. to give commencement address at graduation

It was recently announced that Jon M. Huntsman Jr. will serve as the commencement speaker during Utah State University’s graduation ceremony this spring. The graduation ceremony, the 129th of its kind at USU, will take place on May 7 at the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum in Logan.

Jon Huntsman Jr. served as governor of Utah from 2005-2009 before accepting President Obama’s call to act as the U.S. Ambassador to China. He served as ambassador for several years before resigning to campaign for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Huntsman currently sits as the chairman of the Atlantic Council, a foreign policy think-tank, and is involved in a variety of other organizations.

“We are honored that Mr. Huntsman has accepted our invitation to address our graduating students this year,” USU President Stan L. Albrecht said in his announcement. “His service to Utah and his many years of experience overseas in service to the United States should provide a rich and thoughtful sentiment to our graduating class of 2016.”

“Given his and his family’s ties to the university, I think it is good and appropriate that he will be speaking to us at graduation,” said graduating senior Michael Ryan. “I’m sure that if he offers good advice, it’ll be a great speech. I’m interested to hear what he has to say.”

The USU Faculty Senate issued a report explaining how they reached the decision to have Jon Huntsman Jr. speak. “The prime and controlling consideration for this award should be distinction. The person must have shown sustained activity of uncommon merit,” the document states. Some of the criteria include how accomplished the individual it is and how likely it is they will deliver a thought-provoking speech.

Maren Aller, a public relations specialist for USU explained the criteria for nomination to be the commencement speaker. “Jon M. Huntsman Jr. is very relevant to Utah and will be an interesting and engaging speaker,” she said.

Though Huntsman attended the University of Utah for two years before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania, he and his family have been gracious sponsors and advocates for USU.

Jon M. Huntsman Jr. is the son of Jon M. Huntsman, whose monumental donations to the eponymous Jon M. Huntsman School of Business have contributed dramatically to the success, growth, and development of USU’s business program. In addition, Huntsman Sr’s contributions have been integral to the construction of the recently-opened Huntsman Hall.

Kameron Going, a senior who will be graduating with a degree in English education this spring, said he didn’t really know enough about Jon Huntsman Jr. to know how his speech would go. “I know he is the former governor of Utah, and that his family is really involved with Utah State, but other than that I don’t really know,” he said.

Huntsman, along with four other prominent attendees, will receive honorary doctorate degrees during the ceremony. Those receiving the honorary doctorates are:

· Douglas S. Foxley, who has served on the Utah State Board of Regents and the USU Board of Trustees, and is currently on the USU Foundation Board.

· Joseph Andrew Hays, who was a successful and widely-regarded corporate advocate and communicator, and also a USU alum.

· Ligia Amada Melo De Cardona, who is the minister of higher education, science and technology for the Dominican Republic.

· Jed H. Pitcher, who served on the boards of several Utah organizations, and was president and CEO of Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah.

Since these five highly distinguished professionals and public servants will be receiving honorary degrees, it is like they will be graduating alongside the thousands of Aggie seniors who will receive their degrees May 7.


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  1. Carl Muffoletto

    Huntsman’s advice on how to be successful after graduation, have a very rich daddy. Donald Trump gives the same advice.

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