Journalism Department in the news

Critical acclaim from a new book by faculty member Michael Sweeney just appeared in a review in the Washington Post. Sweeney, an assistant professor in the Department of Journalism and Communication at Utah State, is the author of “SECRETS OF VICTORY: The Office of Censorship and The American Press and Radio in World War II.” The review calls Sweeney’s book “a smart and necessary book.”

“Sweeney has managed an impressive balancing act, pouring exhaustively researched detail into a clean and engaging narrative; the result is one of those books you wish you could make people read ˆ especially if they work for, or report on, the government,” the reviewer states.

To read the entire article go tohttp//

In other news from the Department of Journalism and Communication, news has traveled from around the globe that department head Ted Pease was recently seen on English language Chinese television. Word was sent by an observant viewer in China. Pease was in China in 1999 as a guest, and presented several speeches during his visit. He presented a talk on freedom of speech at Beijing Broadcasting Institute, and other talks at China Central TV discussing the Internet and children‚s television.