

Dear Editor, Utah has a wonderful environment for exploring the outdoors and participating in outdoor recreation. Logan, especially, has much to offer when it comes to hiking, fishing, rafting, kayaking, etc. I am concerned with the status of the kayaking club at this time. As a beginning kayaker, I was very excited to see that USU had a kayaking club. This meant that I could practice my skills with people who have the same interest as I do. However, I recently found out that the kayaking club was given the boot. Practice roll sessions were being held in the pool and, for some reason, someone decided that it was unsanitary. There is a slight chance that contaminates from the river could be carried into the pool, by way of kayak, and spread about in the pool. If this were to happen, the pool has chemicals to wipe out the contaminates. Now let’s sit back and think about this one. Pools are not exactly the cleanest of places. People run around all day and go take a dip in the pool. Children stay in the pool when they should be heading to the bathroom. A defication in the pool is a hundred times worse than any pond water. I am not sure that this problem was solved correctly. I really think that there are people who have an interest in kayaking who would like to see the problem at hand reevaluated. Julie Rowlett752-6289