Lacey Poulton named top Aggie

Sammy Hislop

Utah Statesman: After being named USU Athlete of the Week, did the team do anything special in your honor?

Lacey Poulton: No. I don’t even think they know to be honest. I haven’t said anything.

US: Why did you decide to come to Utah State?

LP: I didn’t play my freshman year. I thought I wanted to be done, because I felt really burned out after high school. And then after not playing that year, I really missed it a lot. Then I was offered a scholarship to go to Montana State and I took it. I thought it was great, but I thought that if I worked a little harder I would be able to play Division one [which USU is].

US: Why did you feel burned out?

LP: It can be so physically draining and you are trying to get your homework and all these other things done. But I realized I missed it way more than I ever thought I would.

US: Is there anything you consider really special about this team?

LP: Other than I think everybody is always here working really hard, a lot of teams I have been on in the past have had conflicts where some girls don’t like each other and other problems like that. I don’t think there is anyone on this team that doesn’t get a long. I think that shows on the field, too, because we are always doing our best to help each other out. We aren’t worried who has the most goals. It’s just always a team effort.

US: What are the road trips like?

LP: Well, we haven’t been on one yet this season, but last season they were pretty fun and out of control. We have to remind ourselves to stay focused and that it’s not just all fun.

US: What do you do to pass the time?

LP: I bring homework, but I usually end up never getting it done. We’re just dorks in the car the whole time, messing around with each other.

US: What is your style of play?

LP: I have never been a finesse player. I don’t have all the moves and things. I am very direct. I try to just physically be stronger and faster than the next person and try to get to goal.

US: What part of the game of soccer do you like the most?

LP: Probably all of it. Compared to other sports, you just have so much free agency to be creative and do your own thing. You don’t have set plays for everything, so you’re always trying to see what you’re capable of.

US: Have you ever had any pregame superstitions?

LP: I used to big time, and I did my very best to get rid of them. In high school it was ridiculous. I wore the same shirt and had my hair the same way and the same undersocks, and if I didn’t I would freak out and have to go get them. So I am glad I am done with that.

US: Having been married for a year, how big of a change has it been for you?

LP: It was a big change, but it came at a great time because that was when I had my knee injury. So, it really helped me have Joey, my husband, for support rather than having my whole life as soccer. I don’t see the girls as much as I would like too, but Joey is my number one fan, so I’m not worried. He is at all the games talking trash to the other team.