LAEP offers first online course

Lisa Ogden

The landscape architecture and environmental planning department at Utah State University will offer its first online course beginning May 6.

LAEP 1030 is an introduction to the profession of landscape architecture and meets a breadth creative arts requirement for USU students, according to an advertisement for the program.

John Ellsworth, professor in the LAEP department, is one of two coordinators for the course, and said it is also a good opportunity for the general public to learn about landscape architecture.

“I’m really excited because this course has the potential to introduce people all over the world to both the profession of landscape architecture and our program here at Utah State,” Ellsworth said.

Ann Williams, the other coordinator, is a graduate student in the LAEP department and is doing the program for her thesis project.

She said the course will benefit many who cannot come to the actual lectures by being flexible.

“It gives students the opportunity to go to class anytime,” Williams said. “It’s great for those who work, stay-at-home moms, those who can’t be on campus for any given reason and those who don’t want to wake up for the 8:30 a.m. lecture.”.

Williams said it also provides opportunities for more interaction than in a lecture hall with 150 students.

“I think the students will get more out of it,” Williams said.

Ellsworth said this is only the first of many LAEP courses which will be offered online using technological media in the next five years.

The course is being developed in response to many requests for LAEP 1030 to be offered online, Ellsworth said, and the demand is high.

“I know of only one other university offering a course like this, and each time they teach it they have about 900 students,” Ellsworth said.

Initially, Ellsworth said he expects most students to be off campus but within Utah. He said he hopes the base will expand within two or three semesters to include students worldwide.

Working with specialists in the Independent Study and Distance Education, Ellsworth said the course will ensure the best design and delivery of the material.

Williams said she will produce a guide for other departments to follow suit in providing online education.

“Online classes are a great thing,” Williams said. “I encourage everyone to take one. It’s an up and coming method and a great way to learn technology while taking a class. I’m very excited to see it actually happening.”

Registration will be through the Distance Education Services. For more information contact Ellsworth at 797-0500 or