Larsen named top Aggie

Landon Olson

Utah Statesman: When did you start playing tennis?

Carolyn Larsen: I’ve basically had a racket in my hand my whole life. My family played and I started playing seriously at about 11 or 12 when I started playing tournaments.

US: Because of your family’s involvement in tennis did you feel pressured to play?

CL: No, it just made me want to play it more because you see your older brothers and sisters doing something and you want to do it too. I just kind of slipped right in and fit well. It was a good match.

US: What brought you to Utah State?

CL: The opportunity. The coaches were both great, both Jevin [West] and Chris [Wright]. I knew them before. A lot of the girls, I was good friends with too because I had played tennis with them before I’d even come up here. Just knowing the girls, knowing the coaches and having the good positive environment up here was kind of what I wanted. And I wanted to stay in that social atmosphere.

US: Did any other schools recruit you?

CL: I was recruited by Weber [State University], this place over in Missouri, UMSL – the University of Missouri-St. Louis,- and I kind of talked to the U [University of Utah] but not very much. Those were the three big ones.

US: You got your first NCAA victory against the University of Utah last week; how does it feel to get your first collegiate win against an in-state rival?

CL: It felt so good. Not only just because it was the U, it was because the girl I played. I’d never played her in junior tournaments, but I’d always seen her and she was always ranked up there high. It was my first time playing her and it was just a really good opportunity for me.

US: You show a lot of power on the court, how fast can you serve the ball?

CL: I have no idea. That’s actually my downfall, is having probably too much [power], I tend to overdo it sometimes. I think if I control myself better out on the tennis court I’d do a little bit more smart tennis. It does come in handy, definitely, but I think if it is more controlled than aggressive it would be my ideal game.

US: During your first serve, where do you put the extra ball?

CL: I have it in my pocket. We have shorts underneath our tennis skirts and I just put it in my shorts. That’s always a mystery to people who don’t play tennis.

US: You’re a biology major, how did you choose that major and why?

CL: It was because of my high school teacher Herond Hoyt. He was such a good teacher that he just inspired me to want to be able to help people and help them in a good way.

US: Do you have a favorite athlete or role model that you look up to?

CL: Athlete-wise, probably [tennis players Jennifer] Capriati and [Andre] Agassi, just because of their underdog abilities. They were top of their game when they were young and then they both kind of crashed and burned when things happened in their lives. Then they both came back and came out on top. It was just how determined they were that just kind of helps me keep going.

US: What is your favorite candy, and why?

CL: Probably chocolate chip cookie dough. For one, it tastes good and for another, it’s just kind of something in my family. My sisters and I always make it and it’s just kind of a bonding thing that we do together.