Free Guy

Lessons from ‘Free Guy:’ worrying is worthless

I went in, excited to see the dashing Ryan Reynolds in another hilarious movie, and left wanting to buy another ticket to see it again. Free Guy was an amazing combination of humor, action, and romance. Jam-packed with plenty of video game references to satisfy everyone’s inner nerd, this movie has something for everyone!

*Spoilers Ahead*

The movie tells the tale of a regular man named Guy. 

Guy lives a very monotonous life and while he may be satisfied with it, his heart longs to find someone to share his life with. Despite all of this, his life is anything but normal. Guy lives in Free City, where seeing a dead body and witnessing a robbery happen more than once a day. The city has two types of people: those who wear sunglasses, and those who don’t. The sunglasses people never interact with those who don’t wear them, unless it’s to rob them, or randomly punch them in the face. Guy has always admired those who wear sunglasses for their bravery.

But, Guy’s life is just a video game named Free City. The people wearing sunglasses are players, and those not wearing them are just AI’s in the game. But Guy is different. When he has an encounter with a woman wearing sunglasses, he falls in love, which changes everybody’s thoughts and perspectives on non-player characters (NPC’s). While this is happening, the game is facing a lawsuit and threatening to be deleted altogether. Guy must work with his friends inside and outside of the game to save the people of Free City.

This hilarious movie has some Ready Player One vibes because everyone is so invested in this game. 

Free Guy was set to be released during the peak of COVID-19, but like many other movies, was postponed for release. In a humble writer’s opinion, Free Guy has been the best movie released since pre-COVID. The graphics were impressive and the acting was great. The story was intriguing, funny, and heart-warming. There were also a lot of fun cameos, including a hilarious and brief cameo from former Avenger, Chris Evans, and an uncomfortable cameo from Channing Tatum. Famous YouTubers and Streamers made appearances as well. Free Guy is packed with enough pop culture references to keep you entertained.

Even with all the hilarity, there were some deep moments that really brought the whole movie together. At its core, Free Guy is about how important it is to live in the moment. Worrying doesn’t do anyone any good. 

Guy really struggles when he discovers his world isn’t real, but after a conversation with a friend, he realizes it’s real to him. Those moments, the ones he has, are real and worth saving. 

All-in-all, I would definitely recommend seeing this movie. It’ll have you laughing and hanging on the edge of your seat as all the chaos unfolds. You’ll be cheering Guy on as he makes his journey to discover who he is and what’s important to him.