Let’s get rid of pornography and violence


Let’s get rid of pornography and violence

It is time for each one of us family-loving, country-loving and God-fearing people of the United States of America, and the people of the entire world, to stand up and be counted.

Our families and this beautiful land of America and the entire world are deeply threatened by a few lawyers and judges who manipulate the good laws with laws that will slowly but surely take away the freedoms we enjoy.

All we need to do is look around us to see the flood of pornographic filth, and the inordinate emphasis on sex and violence that surrounds our everyday life; it is on the billboards, the television; some newspapers, magazines, the Internet and many other places.

The flood of pornographic filth and the inordinate emphasis on sex and violence creates a dismal picture of a weakening rot seeping into the very fiber of our society.

There are millions of decent minded people of who are sick and tired of the horrid pollution in the magazines and the filthy commercial ads in the programs on the television that are invading their homes and families.

We should have the right as decent people to be able to watch television without persons exposing their bare bodies, making obscene gestures and using fowl language not fit for a junkyard dog to see or hear.

We know of a few who are fighting this filth, but what about the other good people of this world? Where are they? When are they going to stand up and make their voices of decency be heard? If we all stick together, we can rid this putrid abscess from our society.

Please write to your Legislator in your district, ask them to throw their weight into stopping this filthy corruption.