Let’s give “Holes” some credit


Dear Editor;

Sometimes a book is better than a movie and sometimes a movie is better than a play, and sometimes a person needs to sperate a movie from a play. After reading the article on Wednesday for the play “Holes” I had almost decided not to attend the production since I was not required to see it like many of the hundred of student who were going to attend the play. Since I had already been planning on seeing it I decided to join my friends (who also were not required to see it for credit either) and see the play.

Maybe it was my low expectations or maybe it was the audience, I was with (a lot of kids, parents, and older couples) but I enjoyed the play. It was awesome to see a beloved movie and book come to life right in front of you. To watch the stage rotate and see the creativity of the flashback scence was awesome. My two friend who had never seen the movie or read book enjoyed the play and found the plot line fasinating and enjoyable.

Now I will confess that at times the plot line and the acting was flat and the staging made it harder to hear and sometimes created a choppy story line but, I would like to give credit were credit is due. Holes was created for the entertainment of an audience of children to see one of their favorite books and movies in a different perspective, as a play. It was not created for a bunch of college students who are required to see a play and compare it to a movie. I believed the play achieved its goal.

Liz Frost713-9516