LETTER: ASUSU acted responsibily


I am replying to Mr. Mulholland’s letter published Sept. 3. I am the activities vice president and the one who planned the Week of Welcome events for last week. I would first like to apologize that you felt so strongly about ASUSU and our “irresponsibility.” We should have made a sign and put it on the door of the ballroom.

Just to let you know, we did advertise the cancellation of the game in several ways: We put it up on the Taggart Student Center marquee. It was posted in the display cases of the TSC. It was on the A-Station Web site as well as listed on the Utah State University online master calendar. When we passed out fliers, we took around an additional flier stating that the game was not going to be televised. And yes, we even had the cancellation in The Statesman on Monday, Aug. 25 on Page 16 in the Upfront. As far as making a public apology for the “gross neglect of their duties,” I think that this should be sufficient. I am first a student and then, down the line, I am the activities vice president. I put hundreds of hours into Week of Welcome and did the best I could, and I think that though there were some minor errors on my part, Week of Welcome went great.

Tara Bradshaw