LETTER: Big thanks to b-ball team


Imagine this: It’s a basketball game. Fans everywhere cheering so loud the referee’s whistle can’t be heard over them. A crowd that has waited outside for hours to get a seat in the arena, a crowd that has been either driving for 13 hours in a car or bus, paying money for a plane ticket or even hitchhiking their way to sunny California to watch as our Utah Sate Aggies play in the Big West Tournament. A crowd of 3,000 people who are so confident in their Aggies that they spend their time, money and energy to go more than 750 miles just to watch as their team plays for a bid in the NCAA tournament.

Now imagine the heart break of those people who watched as the most deserving team in the conference got denied their rightful chance to show the world how good it is. Now, many of the players and sports staff say the team wasn’t ready. They just weren’t in the game, that they just weren’t prepared, and maybe they know best, but I would disagree.

I watched the game, I was in the front row, blowing away with the pep band. I watched the refs give some bad calls, but even with the bad calls, they were only behind by one point, one point in the end. That has got to show the talent our team has. If not, look at their record. Look at their ranking in the nation. How is it that in the end we got overlooked?

So, I would like to just let the team know that if it were up to us, at least those I have talked to, you’d be going to the tournament, and not because we want to see our school kick butt, well not only because we want to see our school kick butt, but also because we know you deserve it. You did your best, and you got gypped. Thanks for an exciting season, we love you, and we’ll get them next year.

Wendy Gabbert