LETTER: Cashiers should take people skills, too

Dear Editor,

In light of the recent diversity training issue, I would like to suggest that the cashiers also take a people skills class. Why? Because countless times other students and I have waited in line while they finished personal phone conversations, ate or just flat out ignored us. When they do finally acknowledge our existence we are greeted by bothered expressions and rudeness. They have obviously forgotten that it’s their job to help us. And that if it weren’t for the students who pay tuition and attend Utah State University there would be no need for them. I would also like to state the fact that gay students also pay tuition and they deserve the same rights that any other student organization enjoys. And as far as diversity goes, there have been many times when I walked by a booth or organization that I didn’t agree with, but thankfully I grew up in a place that accepts diversity and doesn’t try to hinder it.

Jennifer Scarry-Garthwaite