LETTER: Center doesn’t need student funds

Dear Editor, I respect all individuals’ personal rights. I don’t think anyone should be persecuted for what they believe. So, if you are gay, that is your choice. I don’t personally agree with your lifestyle, but I will not condemn you for it. My simple request is you don’t make me pay for it. The opening of this new center funded by tax and tuition money is outright wrong. Why should the people have to fund this institution? Opening up a center like this brings a whole new set of rules for what public money can be spent on. When will the center for S & M be opened? When will the center for Bestiality open? These are just as legitimate alternative lifestyles. I would not address their opening with any less scrutiny. With all due respect to Mathew Shepard and his family, people have been killed for practicing literally every type of lifestyle. This terrible occurrence is not in any way unique to being gay. One could surely argue a need for every imaginable group to have their own separate support service. They could even cite the same reasons used for the establishment of this new center. If you want to have a club for your fellow believers, go ahead. Just don’t make me and the rest of the tax and tuition payers fund it.

Eric Chandler