LETTER: Column belittles women

Dear editor,

I am writing this in reply to the column “Keep your hands off our Breasts.” I would like to bring up three arguments about it.

First, why are you publishing a personal attack for the whole school? This girl is obviously bitter toward this one guy who is rearranging her decor, so why does the whole school have to know about it? It is a childish revenge.

Secondly, she is expecting respect from this individual to not rearrange the way she has her house. I just want to question, don’t you think you should respect him also? He is obviously uncomfortable with the decorations because they are totally inappropriate no matter whose house it is.

The last point I would like to make is how much this girl is degrading herself and all other women. Posting pictures on the fridge, the ads on TV and in magazines, and the tags of the bras themselves are not selling the products but selling the body. They make women sex objects and nothing more. It is encouraging men to look at women as a body or even worse, a part of the body, not a person. Wouldn’t you rather talk to someone who will talk to your face and not your breasts? They don’t talk, they don’t respond, so why would you want that to be the primary focus and definition of who you are? Have respect for yourself if you can’t have it for others and in the meantime be a person and not an object.

Megan Smoot