LETTER: Columnist was out of line

To the editor:

    I am writing in response to what I believe was supposed to be an opinion piece about both the common hour and the moving of a billiards class. I say supposed to be, because the author got a little off topic. Instead of expounding on his arguments, he decided that it was a better idea to resort to insults of those who do not share his views.

    I have noticed that the editor of this paper has allowed the opinion section to become a bit too much like an episode of TMZ. The author of this article also wrote one in which he blasted the women of this campus, I believe that there is no place for that kind of misogyny in an academic setting (or anywhere in this century).

    This paper has also been remiss in discussing the common hour from both sides. We come to university, not just to get a degree, but to become better citizens. Our time here is spent in developing critical thinking skills, and improving our understanding of the world and our place in it. I have seen many students as well as members of the community who have received great benefit from the lectures that are presented at this campus.

    I am a political science major and English/family development minor, and have found guest lecturers to be beneficial in understanding my major and minors. These lectures are put on by professors in every school on campus; our professors believe in them and want us to attend.

    I would like to close by offering an apology to those persons who were attacked at the end of his article. To those students studying physical education, athletes, vegetarians, women and men who take fitness classes, smokers, guest lecturers, students and faculty who go to guest lectures and to members of this man’s faith who were ill-represented by his comments. There is no harm in celebrating and accommodating diversity. On the other hand, there is great harm in embracing the idea of majority rule. I am proud of the diversity on this campus, and firmly believe that all students should be as well.

Aaron Timm