LETTER: Comic was not offensive


I fully support the editorial decision to print the Dithered Twits comic last week. I didn’t find it very funny, but offensive? No way. Neither was it a “reference to male genitalia.” No, it very clearly said the word “penis.” C’mon, you try it, too. I promise you won’t have to wash your mouth out with soap.

I’m really responding to the letter expressing disgust at the comic. I just get so annoyed at this kind of pious, Puritanical attitude masquerading as chaste morals. This is the human body we’re talking about. What’s offensive about that? We’re adults in an institution of higher learning, where our minds are supposed to be expanding. There are courses offered right here on this campus in anatomy, human sexuality, and the like. Are those OK? Now, if a crude slang word for penis (ooh, there it is again) had been used, some offense might have been justified.

I take offense that my sense of integrity was lumped into the whole of the student body and community’s integrity. Excuse me, but please be a little more judicious in your use of blanket statements, and just stick to expressing your own opinions.

Elisabeth Hodges