LETTER: Comics page needs help


In the past, I have usually enjoyed reading the comics pages in The Utah Statesman, especially those comic strips produced by local talent.

I got a kick out of the way they reflected the unique quirks of our Utah and USU culture. However, I feel that during spring semester of 2003, the quality of the comics in The Statesman greatly declined.

These days I don’t bother to look at the comics page because the comics no longer make me laugh. I dislike the artwork and I find the jokes inane and trashy. Overall, I don’t see any craft in the present array of comics.

I don’t know what is involved in the process of selecting and acquiring comics for publication in The Statesman, I admit. I can also appreciate the hard work that goes into running a student newspaper, but surely The Statesman can do better when it comes to choosing quality comics?

Go out and recruit some new local talent or at least bring back “Piled Higher and Deeper.” I suppose I would like to end with a plea to all those talented students out there who have the ability to draw and write entertaining comic strips. Don’t hide your lights under a bushel, come rescue The Statesman’s comics page!

Amanda Wanner