LETTER: Darwin believed in creationism

Frank Messina wrote: “Whereas we can and do fill libraries with the evidence for evolution, there is not a scrap of scientific evidence in support of creationism.”

The Scientific Method is: Put forth the posit or theory, and let others disprove it.

All evidence and experimentation have validated beyond reasonable doubt the process Darwin called evolution is a non-controversial fact. My question is, did Darwin discover evolution or merely prove the theory of creation is true? What evolution boils down to:

First came matter, or all the elements

Then came light, or some form of energy

Then the plants

Then animals

Then more complex or higher forms of plants and animals

Then humans

Darwin failed to acknowledge this same posit or theory was recorded by the prophet Moses in the book of Genesis. All the steps of creation are given in this same order. The metaphor of daily progress is only metaphor. From tangible evidence we see these stages took a very long time. Time is not the question here.

Four thousand years after God gave his account of the non-controversial fact of creation to Moses, Darwin discovered the basic process. For this Darwin was labeled an atheist. In “Origin of the Species,” Darwin himself wrote, “Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed.”

If Darwin was an atheist, who is he inferring breathed the first breath of life into that first living cell? Is it possible he believed in some higher power?

As for the present discourse, I think Darwin himself stated the futility of it when he said in a letter to Asa Gray, “I feel most deeply that this whole question of Creation is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton! Let each man hope and believe what he can.”

Bill Willson