LETTER: Dividers, let us them a lot

Dear Editor:

Hey! Great idea! Dividers between me and the things I don’t want to have to see! Why didn’t we think of this earlier? Let’s start by putting up a divider between me and whoever came up with the idea of a system of protective barriers between people of different demographics. Putting up dividers (see also: BLINDERS) between the things we do and don’t want to see is a much better solution than simply choosing not to look at something. I know I, for one, can’t trust myself to turn away from something I find reprehensible by myself. I need help. Let’s start by building a 30-foot wall around the Institute. It’s so much easier to blind ourselves than it is to work out the conflicts we have with each other. Or maybe we could supercede this whole ridiculous concept by simply making anyone who thought of things like “non-malicious discrimination” poke out their own eyes so they wouldn’t have to risk being offended by anything. Or maybe still if we DID put walls up, we could start listening to what other people have to say instead of whining about the fact that it’s not aesthetically pleasing to all of us.

Ryan P. Long