LETTER: Drilling not a long-term fix

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regards to the letter in Wednesday’s issue of The Statesman “Drilling should be considered.” Although this is a valid and popular opinion, I’d like to present a different outlook on this issue.

If we began drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge right now, it would still be a few years before we’d see any kind of result. This is a long-term plan that doesn’t need to happen. Somewhere out there a scientist is developing a way for us to survive without oil.

My second argument is for the economic survival of Middle Eastern countries. Their economy relies on selling oil. What would they do if we stopped buying their main product? How long would it take until their economy suffers because they don’t have money coming in from the United States?

I agree that drilling in the arctic refuge would solve many of our political and energy problems, but it won’t solve them for another five to 10 years and who knows what kind of circumstance our country will be in then. Is it worth destroying the wildlife refuge for future generations?

Megan Curtis