LETTER: Extensions nees representation

Dear Editor,

Welcome to Utah State University, the hallmark of Northern Utah, the only university in the state which offers such a wide range of opportunity through the Extension program. Dotted all throughout the state are branches where students of all ages attend to continue their education through this fine institution.

I take you to just one of these such branches, Brigham City. Located right on the other side of Sardine Canyon, we find a facility which is home to some 800 Utah State University students striving to obtain a better education. Most of these students work full time to support families.

Are they a part of Utah State University? According to their diplomas they are, and the letters above the front doors say Utah State University. So why do most students not feel a part of the university as a whole?

Could it be that they have no clue of activities such as career fairs on campus. Could it be that they don’t know when a group of so-called student representatives get together to initiate a fee for all Extension students? Could it be that we don’t even get the simple luxury of the Statesman to see what’s happening over there (until a few weeks later)?

Representation is something thousands of students on campus enjoy having because they voted for who they wanted to represent them. Representation is an unheard of word in Brigham City. We don’t have representation. We have a student senator, however, due to resent changes, we don’t even have a vote and it seems those who can do something about it, don’t take her (us) seriously.

That doesn’t sound like a very well-run student council to me. But what do I know, I’m just a student who goes to school somewhere else, so no one needs to care about me, right?

Greg Lundell

Brigham City