LETTER: Farewell advice for Aggies


As I approach the end of my 6-year life at Utah State University, I am preparing to receive a master’s degree in audiology.

While completing my final externship just outside of Washington, DC, I just realized that I have never written a letter to the editor.

I feel so ashamed. So here I am, attempting to make up for lost time. I’ve come up with some words of wisdom that I would like to leave behind for anyone willing to listen.

Here goes:

* Remember to pay your parking tickets on time. Don’t play the victim, even if it’s popular.

* Missing one class actually decreases your test score by about 10 percent.

* Your great “5-year plan” may not be as great as something greater.

* Wear blue jeans anytime you feel like it, even if it makes a statement.

* Utah is not as different from the rest of the world as you think, so don’t be ashamed.

* The “freshman-15” can quickly become the “sophomore-15,” “junior-15,” and so forth, so watch the Hazel’s bread intake.

* Getting married young isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you – neither is having kids.

* Don’t say mean things to or about other people, it’s not nice.

* And six years (or four, if that’s your case) go by awfully fast, so make today as great as you are expecting tomorrow will be.

There, I’ve done it. I can only hope that I’ve somehow left my mark on the Utah State University campus. Thank you.

Mary Dallin Hunting