Legacy Fields

Letter from the sports editor

I grew up in a sports-centered family and always had a competitive mindset. Weekends were spent traveling to games, and summers consisted of hours of practice. Although my own talents didn’t take me past high school, I knew sports would remain a core part of my life because of the people both in and out of the spotlight. USU Athletics is all about them and their community, grit and passion. My college experience has allowed me to use my love of writing within the sports world, and the Statesman Sports Desk is constantly striving to give a voice to those less recognized and shine a light on the successes of our student-athletes.

In this edition, you’ll find information on new players, team schedules, the student section and the ‘why’ behind athletes’ drive. This is greater than the jerseys, the games, or the scoreboard — we’re a community of dedicated fans, coaches and athletes who are ready to compete.

Utah State is here to win.

-Madison Weber