LETTER: Gay marriages shouldn’t be


I did not vote for George Bush or his father. However, if in fact he is seeking a ban on gay marriages, I’m behind him 100 percent on this issue. According to the dictionary, not withstanding recent appends aimed at political correctness, marriage is the joining together of a man and a woman in wedlock. It is an ancient recognition of the solemn witness, before God, or in the eyes of the law, that a man and a woman so united will love, honor, cherish and care for one another in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer until death do they part. Marriage is a socioeconomic insurance policy against society having a large number of women with children to care for and support who aren’t able to care for themselves and the children, if the father abandons them.

With a gay union there are no biological children, and the individuals entering into such a union should be able to care for themselves. If they want legal protection, then they need to enter into a formal recorded legal agreement with their partner stipulating each person’s degree of liability for the health, safety and welfare of the other. I am not against gayness; however, I do not feel any ethical or moral obligation to support it in any way. I certainly do not want my insurance premiums to skyrocket in order to pay for a high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases which are predominantly an affliction of sexual promiscuity and lately of homosexuals.

Bill Willson