LETTER: Get fair columns


I would like to respond to the column, “Double Standards – The Last Part” that appeared in The Statesman on Nov. 6.

The guest column by Mr. Jaafar was more than a little biased.

I will just focus on the part about the 1967 Arab/Israeli war.

In 1967, Israel expanded its occupation of Arab land to fully control Palestinian land. Here’s the rest of the story.

For several months in the first part of 1967, Egyptian President Nassar built up his armies on the Sinai Peninsula getting ready to “drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.” Along with Jordan and Syria, Egypt planned a massive attack on Israel.

Rather than being crushed by their surrounding enemies, Israel launched a devastating preemptive strike. They destroyed the entire Egyptian Air Force before it could even leave the ground. After six days, Israel had completely routed its Arab enemies. If anyone wants to learn more about this war and Israel’s history, I recommend “Fantastic Victory,” by Cleon Skousen.

Israel is brutal. It occupies land once held by Palestinians. But there are two sides to this story and the Arabs are just as much to blame for the violence. Both sides of the story ought to be told honestly.

Brian Smith