LETTER: Get it straight – it’s a Civic

To the editor:

Today while getting a powerpoint presentation put together in the English department I had some trouble with the printer and as a result was a few minutes (literally) in getting back to my vehicle, which was parked in the round about meter parking near the family life building. Getting to my car I noticed a familiar yellow envelope on my windshield indicating I had broken the ever so stringent parking codes of Utah States Parking Police. Twelve bucks for four minutes of error. This made me think, not only are we getting raped on tuition and fees,books,and on classes (GPA killers) to make us well rounded (having nothing to do with our major but more to do with USU getting an extra buck) but our dear University is also paying individuals (who are really nothing more than publicans) to patrol campus to the minute for parking violations to add to their little stash of cash. I got a ticket earlier in the year on which the make,model and color of my car were listed incorrectly. Appealing this ticket was to no avail being that my license plate # was correct. My thing is this, if you hire somebody who is so stupid they don’t know that the car itself has the symbol of its designer (sometimes the name) and the model number on the back then their interpretation of a parking violation is very worrisome. Maybe we should start requiring generals on the makes and models of cars!

Jarom Johnson