LETTER: Get out to the game!

Dear Editor, This is to the handful of students here on campus that is still not planning to show up to the men’s basketball game Thursday night against the University of California at Irvine:

Quit your job, skip your class, dump your boy/girlfriend. Do whatever it takes to be in the Spectrum Thursday night. This will be a game to remember. I know what you’re thinking: I HATE sports. They don’t build character, they REVEAL it. Sports are for people that can’t play chess. Well, I dare say this game will change your mind. You will witness on Thursday the two top teams in the Big West Conference – a rematch of a game that came down to the final 15 seconds a week ago.

The only difference will be the game’s location. Last week the Aggie men had to go into hostile territory and play against a quality team. They almost pulled it out. Now it’s our turn to make the Spectrum a place to be feared. If you don’t think the crowd can make a difference in a game, just ask our friends down south at the University of Utah, who just can’t seem to overcome the pressure of playing in the Spectrum.

As a self-proclaimed expert in NCAA basketball, I can promise that we will not see a Utah State team like this one for a long time. So put off your paper one more day, let your laundry pile grow another night and come out to cheer on the Aggies in the Spectrum. You won’t be disappointed.

Kody Nelson