LETTER: Go Aggies! Go mullets!


After the big football loss to Wyoming I have been pondering some issues I saw during the game.

I am a sophomore here at Utah State, but never have had the opportunity to attend a game. Saturday’s game was my first, and, needless to say, I was surprised by one sight in particular.

Overall, the football team was doing their best, but it just proved not to be enough. After watching the game for only a short time, I realized why our football team has such struggles.

I am not one to judge, or condemn others, but I noticed something shocking on the sidelines of Utah State’s team. It was none other than a perfectly groomed mullet. And when I say perfectly groomed I mean not a hair out of place, and the party going on on the back of that man’s head was really going on. I will be the first to admit I love the mullet, but I would also admit I could never take any honest advice from anyone with a mullet. Not only was the mullet apparent standing on the sidelines, but he was coaching some players. It’s no wonder our team came out with a defeat! You know somewhere, in some mullet code of conduct, it has so say something regarding sporting the mullet and trying to coach a college football team. The mullet is beautiful, or at least it was in its day. Let’s cut up the team mullets and see how our game improves. Sporting the mullet is sport enough, and the added stress of coaching and sporting the mullet is just proving to be a feat too strong for our own beloved football team.

Go Aggies! Rock the Mullet!

Kati Anderson