LETTER: Gun laws don’t work

Dear Editor,

This is in response to Rich Timothy’s column on no-gun laws. It is obvious when someone doesn’t do their homework, because the answer is wrong.

Please show me any gun law that could take the guns away from the gangs and criminals of this nation. They already have the guns that are illegal. They don’t obey the laws of the land that are here anyway, why would they obey a no-gun law now? The answer is they wouldn’t, and they won’t and never will.

So the solution that has been presented about gun control is applied to none but the law-abiding citizens. Let’s be smart and think for a minute. If the law-abiding citizens have their guns taken away, what an upper hand it gives to those doing the killing.

The Second Amendment of the United States gave the citizens the “privilege” to bear arms. The only difference today from that of 200 years ago is that we’re facing armed “criminals” instead of armed “red coats.” For example, if a killer or rapist broke into my home and my wife and family were there alone, the sound of a shell clicking into my 12-gauge shotgun would more than likely persuade him otherwise. These types of issues are why we have the Second Amendment.

Instead of trying to solve the problem by outlawing guns from the citizens, let’s focus our energies on increasing the character and bettering the demeanor of mankind. Opposite of the killer, there are as many or more people who legally purchase guns with the intent of protection not the intent of killing people. Guns are just as harmless as they are lethal. The real issue is the person behind the gun pulling the trigger.

States that allow people to have concealed weapons have less crime. You’re saying, how is this possible? Go ahead and check the statistics on this law. Suppose you’re the criminal. Are you going to rob a citizen that has a gun or absolutely does not have a gun?

Bryon Priestley