LETTER: Guys — watch out for girls


I would like to thank The Statesman for the coverage they have done about the Red Zone. I thought the front page article was a great way to help students realize these kinds of dangers. I also would like to acknowledge the group that has put a table in the Taggart Student Center with information about the Red Zone.

This is a very important topic all students should know about, and I appreciate the attention it has received. However, despite this coverage, many people apparently have not heard about it or don’t really care. Walking home the other night, I passed three women who were either walking or jogging alone. There were a few street lights, but for the most part, the road was quite dark, even though it was only a little after 8:30 p.m. Perhaps these women had the “won’t-happen-to-me” attitude or maybe they think Logan is not that kind of town.

Logan is a nice place to live, but it has its problems too. During the summer, there were at least three instances of a man attempting to grope girls in Cache Valley. Two of these girls were quite young, but one was a USU student. One of the attempts even happened in broad daylight around 4 p.m.

The Herald Journal printed the police sketches of this man just a couple of weeks ago to help generate leads. Obviously, these types of situations do occur in Logan. My purpose in writing this letter is to ask female students to be a little more careful out there, especially when it is dark.

Guys, if you have female friends or family here, let them know about the Red Zone, what it is, and how they can better protect themselves. Let’s all take the necessary steps to have a safe campus here at USU.

Jeffrey David Luke