LETTER: Headline too negative


I am highly concerned when a front page article states that students don’t care. The Feb. 11 article, headlined “Many students colorblind to no drive days” is a negative look at students. Yes, there are student that for lack of time because of homework do drive to work or school as opposed to riding the bus that would take them an extra 45 mins or so … however there are many who ride the bus.

I ride the bus almost twice a day, to and from campus. I would like everyone to note that I am very glad I recently moved close to the transit center. Getting on a bus at the transit center is about the only way that I can guarantee a seat and sometimes standing room. I would say that many students care or at least use the bus system.

It was also very sad to have two quotes from students, one that echoed the general consensus of students … how? Did you survey 100+ students … or did you talk to maybe five and you got two good quotes? Yeah, maybe students are lazy, maybe students feel that since they paid such high prices for there parking passes to school they have to get there money’s worth, or maybe we really do have a majority of students here at USU who just don’t care about the environment or our future – but isn’t that why we are here at college … because we care about our future? Isn’t USU known for its environmental friendly nature? I think that students are just a little better than this article would present us as. And what a great way to present students to a community- or was it? Bad move, Statesman!

Sheila Mayne