LETTER: It is time to ride bicycles

Dear Editor,

It’s spring, and it’s time for bicycles to reclaim the road.

If you do not own a bike, buy one. Sell something if you must, like your car or your roommate’s television. A bike is your ticket to happiness, and here is why.

Reason No 1: Sex appeal. Few exercises will tone your butt muscles as nicely as bicycling, and let’s not forget those toned legs and abs. Fresh air and sunshine are a remedy for the blues, and improved cardiovascular strength and endurance from biking will go a long way to providing oxygen to your busy brain.

Reason No 2: Money in the bank. The grim reality of rising tuition costs means less money for more important things. Your bike will save you $15 at the pump each week, $20 for an oil change, $80 for registration fees, parking tickets, fender-benders and as far as insurance is concerned, with a bike, it is entirely optional.

Reason No 3: Recreational endeavors such as snow skiing, snow boarding, fishing and boating will all suffer as global warming reduces our average snow pack. Exhaust from cars is the No. 1 contributor of excess greenhouse gases. Poisons are coughed from tailpipes contributing to lung disease and acid rain. Your bike, however, will only contribute to a clearer conscience.

Reason No 4: The Children. Blinking lights and 20 mile per hour speed limits through school zones were spawned by the deaths of American children. Urban sprawl compromises the well being of the elderly, the disabled, the poor and our youth. Cities built to accommodate cars are difficult for these car-less groups to access. Yet in small towns like Logan, it is imperative that city planners know of our desire for better pedestrian access before it’s too late. Bike. Tell your friends to bike, and bike often. It is the answer to urban sprawl.

Please leave your car at home. Please do your body, your wallet, your city and the environment a favor. Please bike. Thanks to those already doing your part, and kudos to the year-rounders.

Matt Cline