LETTER: Jazz could be worse — they could be the Clippers

Dear Editor,

Lately in The Statesman, and in other papers, there have been many articles about the Utah Jazz. These articles continuously state that the Jazz will never win a championship, that they are too old and that their time is done. These authors continually criticize the Jazz instead of focusing on the fact that we have a team with two future hall of famers – one who leads the league in all-time steals and assists in a career, one who is the career leader in free-throws made and second on the all-time scoring list. And these two athletes continue to put up all-star numbers despite the fact that they’re both near 40 years of age. And they have helped this team to 16 consecutive winning seasons, a feat only equaled by the Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar era Los Angeles Lakers. They have made the playoffs for the majority of those 16 years, been the Midwest division champions several times and been the western conference champions twice. And yet they continue to be criticized by everyone, including their fans. Granted, they still haven’t won a championship, and they may not anytime soon, but fans should be grateful that we have a team as accomplished as the Utah Jazz and enjoy it while it lasts. At least their they’re the L.A. Clippers.

Brandon Pierce