LETTER: Keep trusting in our government

Dear Editor,

I have sat idle while a few of my unpatriotic fellow students have taken unprovoked shots at our government, but I cannot in good conscience sit idle any longer.

President Bush is no fool, contrary to liberal rhetoric, nor is General Collin Powell. They are more aware of the problems facing our citizens and economy than any one student here at Utah State University.

So when I hear foolish comments like the United States Government is ignorant and/or arrogant by persons who lack any relevant knowledge on the subject of terrorism, I say it is beyond time for those persons to recognize their own ignorance and to humble themselves to the point of accepting and relying on the actions of those who are equipped to handle these types of contingencies, mainly the government and the military.

The terrorists who perpetrated this horrific act on innocent people are clever, but nowhere near as clever or intelligent as our government. Please, those of you who subscribe to the liberal doomsday rhetoric, educate yourself with the true facts and don’t lose faith in our great country and its leaders because the leaders we have now will not let us down.

Peace is not won through peace. It never has been and it never will be. Nor has freedom been merely handed to anyone. Freedom and peace have both been earned through self-sacrifice and even death.

The war against terrorism is one like the American public has never seen, so please, for the good of the entire nation, allow the professionals to handle this problem and rest easy knowing there are those still willing, given the opportunity, to die so personal freedom and peace are ensured for every American.

Clyde Brett Barnes